Understanding Short Circuiting, Nullish Coalescing, and Optional Chaining in JavaScript


18 min read

One of the best things about JavaScript and web development in general is that it is continuously evolving, introducing new features that make our lives as developers easier.

Let me introduce you to three of these awesome features: short circuiting, nullish coalescing, and optional chaining. Don't worry, I'll explain them in a way that's easy to understand.

Short circuiting is a handy trick to make your code more efficient. It's all about stopping the execution of certain operations as soon as we get the result we need. This can save you a lot of unnecessary computation and make your code run faster.

Nullish coalescing is another neat feature. It helps you handle default values more easily. Sometimes, you want to use a fallback value when a variable is null or undefined. Nullish coalescing allows you to do this in a concise way, making your code cleaner and more readable.

Optional chaining on the other hand is a fancy term, but it's actually a simple concept. It helps you access properties and methods in nested objects without causing errors when we encounter null or undefined values. This means you can safely navigate through complex data structures without worrying about things going wrong.

Understanding these concepts is super important because they help you write cleaner and more robust code. You can avoid those pesky errors that often pop up, simplify how you handle default values, and make your code run more efficiently.

Let's dive deeper into each of them.

I. Short Circuiting

A. Definition and Purpose:

Short circuiting is a behavior in JavaScript that allows the evaluation of a logical expression to be stopped as soon as the outcome is determined. It leverages the truthiness or falsiness of values to avoid unnecessary evaluations and conditionally execute code.

The purpose of short circuiting in JavaScript is to enhance code efficiency and performance by minimizing unnecessary computations. Instead of evaluating the entire logical expression, short circuiting allows developers to determine the result early on and skip further evaluations when the outcome is already determined.

Short circuiting can be used to conditionally execute code based on the truthiness or falsiness of a value. It utilizes logical operators, such as the logical OR (||) and logical AND (&&), to control the flow of execution.

Consider the following examples to illustrate the purpose of short circuiting:

  1. Short Circuiting with Logical OR (||):
const userName = getUsername() || 'Luchi';

In the above example, if the result of getUsername() is truthy (e.g., a valid username), the value of userName will be assigned that result. The subsequent value 'Luchi' will not be evaluated or assigned. This is because the logical OR operator short circuits the evaluation as soon as a truthy value is encountered.

If getUsername() returns a falsy value (e.g., 0, ' ', null or undefined), the logical OR operator continues evaluating the expression and assigns the default value 'Luchi' to name.

  1. Short Circuiting with Logical AND (&&):
const isLoggedIn = isAuthenticated && hasPermission;

In this example, the variables isAuthenticated and hasPermission are evaluated using the logical AND operator. If both variables are truthy, the value of isLoggedIn will be truthy as well. However, if either isAuthenticated or hasPermission is falsy, the logical AND operator short circuits the evaluation and assigns a falsy value to isLoggedIn without further computations.

It's important to note that short circuiting can have side effects when relying on the order of evaluations. You should be cautious and ensure that short circuiting is used appropriately and does not introduce unintended behavior or logical errors in your code.

Here's an example where short-circuiting can introduce unintended behavior:

// Example: Short-circuiting with logical OR (||) and assignment
function getUserDisplayName(user) {
  const displayName = user.name || 'User Name Not Available';
  return displayName;

// Usage of the function
const user = {
  id: 123,
  email: 'Luchi@example.com'

const displayName = getUserDisplayName(user);
console.log(displayName); // Output: User Name Not Available

In this example, the getUserDisplayName() function attempts to retrieve the name property from the user object. If user.name is falsy (e.g., undefined, null, empty string), the logical OR (||) operator short-circuits and assigns the default value 'User Name Not Available' to the displayName variable.

However, if the user object has a name property with a falsy value (e.g., an empty string), the short-circuiting behavior will mistakenly assign the default value instead of the actual name value. This unintended behavior can lead to incorrect or misleading results, as the user's name may be available but is erroneously replaced with the default value.

To avoid unintended behavior, it's crucial to be aware of the possible falsy values and consider them when using short-circuiting in assignments. In cases where you want to check for existence and handle falsy values explicitly, you can use more precise conditionals like if (user && user.name !== undefined).

B. Syntax and Usage:

Short circuiting in JavaScript involves utilizing logical operators (|| and &&) to conditionally execute code or perform conditional assignments. Let's explore the syntax and components of short circuiting, along with examples of its usage:

  1. Conditional Assignments: Short circuiting can be used for conditional assignments, where a default value is assigned if a particular condition is not met. The syntax is as follows:
const result = conditionToCheck || defaultValue;

In the above syntax, conditionToCheck represents the expression or variable that is evaluated for truthiness. If the condition is truthy, the value of conditionToCheck is assigned to result. Otherwise, defaultValue is assigned. Here's an example:

const name = username || 'Luchi';

In this example, if the username variable is truthy (e.g., a valid username), its value is assigned to name. If username is falsy (e.g., null or undefined), the default value of 'Luchi' is assigned instead.

  1. Conditional Function Parameters: Short circuiting can also be used when passing parameters to functions conditionally. This allows for the flexibility of providing default values if certain parameters are not provided. The syntax is as follows:
function exampleFunction(param1, param2) {
  const value1 = param1 || defaultValue1;
  const value2 = param2 && defaultValue2;
  // Rest of the function code

In this syntax, param1 and param2 represent the function parameters. If param1 is falsy, defaultValue1 is assigned to value1. If param2 is truthy, defaultValue2 is assigned to value2. This allows for conditional assignment of default values based on the provided parameters.

Here's a more complete code illustration of how short circuiting works:

function exampleFunction(param1, param2) {
  const defaultValue1 = 'Default Value 1';
  const defaultValue2 = 'Default Value 2';

  const value1 = param1 || defaultValue1;
  const value2 = param2 && defaultValue2;

   console.log("Value 1:", value1);
   console.log("Value 2:", value2);
  // Rest of the function code

// Call the function with different arguments
exampleFunction('Param 1 Value', 'Param 2 Value');
exampleFunction(null, 'Param 2 Value');
exampleFunction(undefined, 'Param 2 Value');
exampleFunction('Param 1 Value', null);
exampleFunction('Param 1 Value', undefined);
exampleFunction(null, null);
exampleFunction(undefined, undefined);

In this example, the exampleFunction takes two parameters: param1 and param2. The goal is to assign default values to value1 and value2 if the corresponding parameters are not provided or are falsy.

Inside the function, we define defaultValue1 and defaultValue2 as the default values we want to use.

Then, we use the short circuiting technique to assign values to value1 and value2:

  • value1 = param1 || defaultValue1 checks if param1 is falsy. If it is, defaultValue1 is assigned to value1. If param1 is truthy, its value is assigned to value1.

  • value2 = param2 && defaultValue2 checks if param2 is truthy. If it is, defaultValue2 is assigned to value2. If param2 is falsy, its value is assigned to value2.

We then log the values of value1 and value2 to the console to see the results.

You can run this code and observe the console logs to understand how the conditional assignment of default values works based on the provided parameters.

  1. Common Use Cases and Best Practices: Short circuiting is commonly used in JavaScript for various scenarios, including:
  • Providing default values: Short circuiting enables developers to assign default values when a certain condition is not met, as demonstrated in the examples above. This is particularly useful when working with optional or missing values.

  • Guarding against errors: By using short circuiting, developers can prevent potential errors caused by accessing properties or calling methods on null or undefined values. This enhances code robustness and avoids unnecessary error handling.

  • Simplifying conditional statements: Short circuiting can simplify complex conditional statements by allowing for concise code expressions. It provides a concise way to express conditional checks and assign default values.

When leveraging short circuiting, it's essential to keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Understand the truthiness and falsiness of values in JavaScript to ensure proper evaluation in short circuiting expressions.

  • Be cautious of unintended side effects or logical errors when relying on short circuiting. Order of evaluation and the behavior of operators can impact the outcome.

  • Document the intention of short circuiting expressions clearly to ensure code readability and maintainability.

  • Use short circuiting judiciously and consider readability and code maintainability. In some cases, a more explicit if statement may be preferred for clarity.

By following these best practices, you can effectively leverage short circuiting to write concise, efficient, and readable code in JavaScript.

II. Nullish Coalescing

A. Definition and Purpose:

Nullish coalescing is a feature introduced in JavaScript to handle default values in a more precise and reliable way. It aims to differentiate between null, undefined, and falsy values, providing a means to assign a default value only when encountering null or undefined.

In JavaScript, there are values that are considered "falsy," such as 0, empty strings, false, NaN, and null or undefined. Prior to nullish coalescing, developers often used the logical OR (||) operator to assign default values. However, the logical OR operator treats any falsy value as if it were null or undefined, leading to unintended consequences.

The purpose of nullish coalescing is to address this problem and provide a more accurate mechanism for handling default values. It allows developers to assign a default value explicitly only when encountering null or undefined, while preserving and respecting other falsy values.

By using nullish coalescing, developers can simplify their code and ensure that default values are applied only when necessary, improving code clarity and reducing the risk of unexpected behavior.

Consider the following example to illustrate the purpose of nullish coalescing:

const userName = getUsername() ?? 'Guest';


In the above example, the getUsername() function returns either a valid username or null/undefined. The nullish coalescing operator (??) is used to provide a default value of 'Guest' if the result of getUsername() is null or undefined. If getUsername() returns a falsy value like an empty string or 0, the default value will not be applied, and the actual value will be assigned to the name variable.

Here's a code example to demonstrate the behavior of the nullish coalescing operator (??) with '' (an empty string) and 0:

function getUsername() {
  // Simulating different return values
  return ''; // Try changing this to 0 to see the difference

const userName = getUsername() ?? 'Guest';

In this example, the getUsername() function is called, and it returns an empty string (''). The nullish coalescing operator (??) is used to provide a default value of 'Guest' if the result of getUsername() is null or undefined.

Since an empty string ('') is a falsy value but not null or undefined, the nullish coalescing operator considers it a valid value. Therefore, the default value of 'Guest' will not be applied in this case.

When you log the name variable to the console, it will display the actual value returned by getUsername(), which is the empty string ('').

If you change the return value of getUsername() to 0, like return 0;, the same behavior applies. The nullish coalescing operator will consider 0 a valid value, and the default value of 'Guest' will not be applied. The name variable will be assigned the value 0, and that's what will be logged to the console.

Nullish coalescing simplifies the code by handling null and undefined explicitly, providing a more accurate and reliable approach to setting default values. It ensures that only explicitly null or undefined values trigger the fallback, allowing other falsy values to be distinguished and preserved as intended.

By leveraging nullish coalescing, developers can write cleaner and more precise code, avoiding potential pitfalls when handling default values and making their code more robust and maintainable.

B. Syntax and Usage:

The syntax for nullish coalescing in JavaScript involves using the double question mark operator (??). Let's explore the components of the syntax and provide examples to demonstrate its usage:

  1. Assigning Default Values: Nullish coalescing allows developers to assign a default value to a variable or expression when encountering null or undefined. The syntax is as follows:
const result = valueToCheck ?? defaultValue;

In the above syntax, valueToCheck represents the variable or expression that needs to be checked for null or undefined. If valueToCheck is null or undefined, the expression evaluates to defaultValue. Otherwise, the actual value of valueToCheck is assigned to result.

const username = getUsername() ?? 'Guest';

In this example, if the result of getUsername() is null or undefined, the default value of 'Guest' will be assigned to the username variable. Otherwise, the actual value returned by getUsername() will be assigned to username.

  1. Advantages over Logical OR (||) Operator: Nullish coalescing offers several advantages over the traditional logical OR (||) operator when assigning default values. Here are a few key advantages:
  • Precision: The nullish coalescing operator specifically checks for null or undefined values, ensuring that the default value is assigned only in these cases. It differentiates between null or undefined and other falsy values, such as empty strings or zeros, which are considered valid values.

  • Avoiding Unexpected Defaults: With the logical OR operator, any falsy value (including empty strings, zeros, and false) would trigger the assignment of a default value. This can lead to unexpected results when a falsy value is a valid and intentional value. Nullish coalescing provides more control by applying defaults only to null or undefined values.

  • Clarity and Readability: Nullish coalescing makes the code more expressive and self-explanatory. It explicitly indicates the intent to handle null or undefined cases, improving code readability and making the developer's intentions clear.

Here's an example that highlights the advantages of nullish coalescing over the logical OR operator:

const count = 0;

const result = count || 10;
console.log(result); // Output: 10

const resultNullish = count ?? 10;
console.log(resultNullish); // Output: 0

In the above example, when using the logical OR operator (||), the default value of 10 is assigned to result because count evaluates to a falsy value (0). On the other hand, with nullish coalescing (??), the actual value of count (falsy but not null or undefined) is assigned to resultNullish.

By utilizing nullish coalescing, you can ensure more accurate and intentional handling of default values, avoiding unexpected defaults, and making your code clearer and less error-prone.

III. Optional Chaining

A. Definition and Purpose:

Optional chaining is a feature in JavaScript that helps you access nested properties or methods in objects without causing any errors if those properties or methods are null or undefined.

In JavaScript, when you try to access a property or call a method on an object that doesn't exist (it's null or undefined), it usually leads to an error that stops your code from running. This can be a problem when you're dealing with complex data or getting information from other sources. Optional chaining solves this problem by letting you safely navigate through nested objects, even if some of the intermediate properties or methods are null or undefined.

Let me give you an example to make it clearer. Imagine you have an object called user with a property called address. Inside the address property, you have another property called city. With optional chaining, you can access the city property in a safe way, without causing an error.

Here's how it looks in code:

const user = {
  name: 'James',
  address: {
    street: '123 Main St',
    city: 'New York',
    country: 'USA'

// Accessing nested property without optional chaining
const city = user.address.city; // If address is null or undefined, this will throw an error

// Accessing nested property with optional chaining
const citySafe = user.address?.city; // Safely accesses the nested property, returns undefined if address is null or undefined

In the example above, without optional chaining, if the address property is null or undefined, trying to access user.address.city directly would throw an error. However, by using optional chaining with the ?. syntax, we can safely access the nested property city. If address is null or undefined, the result of user.address?.city will be undefined instead of causing an error.

By using optional chaining, you can write more reliable code that gracefully handles null or undefined values. This means you don't have to manually check for null or undefined or write conditional statements everywhere. It makes your code cleaner, easier to read, and reduces the chances of errors. Optional chaining is especially useful when working with APIs or data structures that might have incomplete or unpredictable data.

B. Syntax and Usage:

The syntax for optional chaining in JavaScript is pretty straightforward. You simply use the ?. operator after an object or optional chain expression. This operator tells JavaScript to access the subsequent property or method only if the preceding value is not null or undefined. Let's explore the components of the syntax and provide examples to demonstrate its usage:

  1. Accessing Nested Properties: To safely access a nested property using optional chaining, you can append ?. after each level of the property hierarchy. If any intermediate property is null or undefined, the result will be undefined without causing an error. Here's an example:
const user = {
  name: 'James',
  address: {
    street: '123 Main St',
    city: 'New York',
    country: 'USA'

const city = user.address?.city;
console.log(city); // Output: 'New York'

const nonExistentProperty = user.address?.state?.zipCode;
console.log(nonExistentProperty); // Output: undefined

In the above example, user.address?.city safely accesses the nested property city. If address is null or undefined, the result will be undefined. Similarly, user.address?.state?.zipCode gracefully handles accessing a non-existent property zipCode, returning undefined without throwing an error.

  1. Invoking Nested Methods: Optional chaining can also be used to invoke nested methods on an object. By appending ?. after each method call, the subsequent method will be called only if the preceding value is not null or undefined. Here's an example:
const user = {
  name: 'John',
  getAddress() {
    return {
      street: '123 Main St',
      city: 'New York',
      country: 'USA'

const city = user.getAddress?.().city;
console.log(city); // Output: 'New York'

const nonExistentMethod = user.getAge?.();
console.log(nonExistentMethod); // Output: undefined

In the above example, user.getAddress?.().city safely invokes the nested getAddress method and retrieves the nested property city. If getAddress is null or undefined, or if getAddress() returns null or undefined, the result will be undefined. Similarly, user.getAge?.() handles invoking a non-existent method getAge, returning undefined without throwing an error.

  1. Versatility with Arrays and Function Calls: Optional chaining can handle various scenarios involving arrays and function calls. Let's explore these examples:
const arr = [1, 2, 3];

const firstElement = arr?.[0];
console.log(firstElement); // Output: 1

const nonExistentElement = arr?.[10];
console.log(nonExistentElement); // Output: undefined

const func = null;

func?.(); // No error, the function call is skipped

In the above examples, arr?.[0] safely accesses the first element of the array. If arr is null or undefined, or if the array doesn't have an element at index 0, the result will be undefined. Similarly, arr?.[10] handles accessing a non-existent element in the array, returning undefined. Additionally, func?.() demonstrates that optional chaining can be used to safely call a function even if it is null or undefined, without causing an error.

Optional chaining is highly versatile and can be used in a wide range of scenarios to safely access nested properties, invoke methods, and handle arrays and function calls. It greatly simplifies code by reducing the need for explicit null checks and conditional statements, leading to more concise and readable code.

Browser Support and Polyfills

When developing web applications, considering browser support and the availability of language features is crucial. Understanding browser support and the potential need for polyfills helps ensure consistent functionality across different browsers and versions. Now, let's delve into both aspects for the features we just discussed.

Short Circuiting:

  • Browser Support: Short circuiting is a core feature of JavaScript and enjoys widespread support across modern web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. It is a fundamental behavior of the language and does not require any specific browser support or polyfills.

  • Polyfills: No polyfills are needed for short circuiting.

Optional Chaining:

  • Browser Support: Optional chaining is supported by most modern web browsers. However, it's recommended to verify browser compatibility to ensure widespread support, especially for older browser versions or less common browsers.

  • Polyfills: If you need to support older browsers without native support for optional chaining, you can use polyfills. Babel Polyfill is a popular library that includes support for optional chaining and other JavaScript features.

Nullish Coalescing:

  • Browser Support: Nullish coalescing is a relatively new feature introduced in JavaScript and may not be supported in all web browsers, particularly older versions. It's essential to verify browser compatibility to ensure widespread support.

  • Polyfills: If you need to support older browsers without native support for nullish coalescing, you can use polyfills. One popular polyfill library is core-js, which provides support for nullish coalescing and other modern JavaScript features.

Additional Resources:

  • Can I Use (caniuse.com): A website that provides up-to-date browser compatibility information for JavaScript features, including optional chaining and nullish coalescing. It allows you to check the support across different browsers and versions.

  • Babel Polyfill: A widely used polyfill library that includes support for optional chaining, nullish coalescing, and other ECMAScript features. It can be integrated into your project to enable compatibility with older browsers.

  • core-js: A JavaScript library that provides polyfills for modern JavaScript features, including nullish coalescing. It allows you to support older browsers by emulating the behavior of newer language features.

By referring to these resources, you can ensure cross-browser compatibility and make informed decisions about using polyfills when necessary(Remember to consider the performance impact of using polyfills). Checking browser compatibility and utilizing polyfills appropriately will help your code work seamlessly across different browsers and versions.


In this article, we covered short circuiting, optional chaining, and nullish coalescing in JavaScript. Let's summarize their key points:

  • Short circuiting stops the evaluation of logical expressions as soon as the outcome is determined, allowing for efficient code execution and conditional code execution.

  • Nullish coalescing differentiates between null, undefined, and falsy values, providing a default value when a value is null or undefined.

  • Optional chaining provides a concise and error-resistant way to access nested properties or methods, handling null or undefined values without causing errors.

  • These concepts improve code readability, maintainability, and efficiency.

I encourage you to explore and experiment with these features to enhance your JavaScript skills. Familiarize yourself with the syntax and usage patterns, and incorporate them into your projects for robust and efficient code.

I'm always open to feedback and if you've got any questions, please feel free to reach out on my Twitter.

Until next time, happy coding!